Mexican chili chicken

My folks  like Mexican food, even my son  appreciates food with spicy exotic flavors. So this dish with chicken and chili is spot on. It is also easy to prepare and quick.

What we need:

1 kg boneless chicken breast, diced

1 tin red or black kidney beans 
250 g long grain rice
200 g green beans (frozen)
1 small can of corn
1 red bell pepper diced
2 large cloves of garlic
about 1 liter chicken stock
chili to taste (powder or flakes)
Green cherry tomatoes and cucumber salsa
grated cheddar cheese to serve

How we prepare:

We brown in a pan chopped garlic in a little oil and the red pepper. Add the chicken cubes. When the chicken has caught some color add the washed rice, corn, beans and green beans. Add chicken stock enough to cover everything (we add along the way if needed for the rice to boil). Meanwhile the cherry tomatoes are cut in quarters and cucumber into small cubes, add salt and mend them with a little olive oil (I recommend making salsa closer when eaten  to maintain crisp vegetables).
When the chicken and rice are boiled, mend for salt and pepper and add chili powder or flakes to taste.
Serve with salsa on top and grated Cedar.


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